Posted May 12th 2017 at 06:41 PM by RodgerLiveson1299
I dress VERY nicely at school in hopes to get a pretty girls attention. But it never happens. I always end up looking nice lonely. I dress nicely daily in hopes of getting a girls attention. It'll happen someday.
Total Comments 2
Hi! I had been noticing your blog entries. Know that its perfectly fine for you to write on the threads so that more people will look into it and provide more advices
We are more than glad to help as much as we can.
I imagine you as a kind and great person. Race or appearance will never change that. I can imagine why you are frustrated that no girls are noticing you, but think about it this way.
There are tons of nice looking guys who have a lot of girls, and these girls are there because they only look at appearances. I am not saying all nice looking guys are horrible at heart, I know there are guys who have both.
But for you, even if your appearance might not be appealing (sorry if I offended in any way), look at your heart. If you have a good heart and a great mind, you deserve girls who realize that inner you. They are rare, but it worth the time to wait and find them. And there are such girls finding great man like you too!
The point is, focus on improving yourself. You don't even need to focus on how to improve yourself to please them. Be who you are and improve on how you are, then there are girls who will like you, genuinely because how a great person you are.
Yes, it will happen someday like you said. Just dont give up on hope! Wish you good luckPosted May 13th 2017 at 06:08 PM by Thinking -
Thanks. I appreciate it alot. My dad says im a handsome young man so I believe him. I know im handsome but never get girls attention. I am a nice person but being lonely is making me bitter. So im trying VERY hard
Posted May 15th 2017 at 05:23 PM by RodgerLiveson1299