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Stressful week

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Posted June 12th 2016 at 02:42 PM by LlamaLlamaDuck

It's been a stressful week.
Alfonso wasn't well, I was up half the night on Monday with her, worried sick. Took her to the vet on Tuesday morning and it turned out she's allergic to something, I think it's probably the air freshener I'd bought. Mostly because the timing checks out. I've thrown it out and kept her out of my room for a few days while I left the window open to air the place out. It seems to have helped, she's not slow and lethargic anymore and she's breathing normally again.
So am I.
I was worried sick about leaving her when we go on holiday a week on Friday. It's a Friday-Friday holiday so it's not long, but I just didn't want to leave her behind if she was unwell. Thankfully she's recovered and you seriously would not know it was the same hamster now, the difference is amazing. She's back to being bright and excited and being all sniffly and cute when I talk to her. My aunt is going to check in on her while we're away. I don't want to move her because she'll get stressed, and her bedding set off my aunt's asthma last time, so this is the best solution.

I'm debating whether or not to take my dad's suggestion and hire an electric bike when we go on holiday instead of taking mine with me. I've been having trouble with my knee and at this point I'm not sure how well I'll be able to cycle, particularly if there's a hill. I'll still have to pedal I think, but because it runs on electricity, there will be much less effort involved. I'll see how things go nearer the time but if it's anything like this weekend then I will need it.
My physiotherapist thinks that the muscle problems in my knee could be a result of a hip injury that's just taken a while to kind of come to a head. I realised after I left my appointment that I have actually had trouble with my knees in the past. I don't know if it's related. My hips were dislocated when I was born so it could be from that.
I'm hoping that, whatever caused this, it's just temporary. I've been having trouble putting weight on my knee when my leg is bent, so kneeling, stairs, getting up and down from the floor, stuff like that has been difficult and painful. But this weekend I'm getting sharp pain on the side of my knee when I walk (although the support bandage and paracetamol has dulled it a bit) and I can't get on my tiptoes unless I put all my weight on my right leg. Which is a bitch because I'm short and can't reach stuff in general.

I can't wait to go on holiday. I need some time out from everything.
Oh, and two weeks today I'm going on a LLAMA TREK.

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  1. Old Comment
    ¯|_(ツ)_|¯'s Avatar
    I remember you telling me about how sick Alfonso was so I am really glad that now that you figured out what the issue was she is doing better! It's so great that things worked out.

    I didn't know electric bikes are a thing but if you think it will be less bad on your knee I'd do it so that way you can still enjoy your holiday without being in as much pain.

    But YESS tell me all about the holiday AND SHOW ME THE PHOTOS OF THE LLAMA
    Posted June 12th 2016 at 07:02 PM by ¯|_(ツ)_|¯ ¯|_(ツ)_|¯ is offline
  2. Old Comment
    A llama trek sounds so exciting! I hope it's a great deal of fun and you enjoy your holiday. :)
    Posted June 12th 2016 at 08:57 PM by
  3. Old Comment
    I'm glad to hear Alfonso is doing better now! I hope you have fun on your holiday!

    And take lots of pictures with the llama. :dem:
    Posted June 13th 2016 at 03:06 PM by
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