Why not to treat special needs people diffrently...
Posted January 22nd 2016 at 05:07 PM by David Armes
As one of my first articles for TeenHelp, and really wanting to impress everyone, I thought I would start with something very close to my heart.
I have the believe that everyone no matter their status or religion or even if they are straight or gay has the right to do whatever they want with life whatever that maybe. That is the case for most people until you get to those with disabilities. These are the people that are overshadowed when it comes to the little things in life which can make life a lot harder for those people.
Now, the reason that it is so close to my heart is because I am autistic. I have been all my life as I was diagnosed at 6 months old. This has changed the way that I see life especially since my depression. People who suffer with autism are often overlooked when it comes to applications because people see them as a health hazard. I myself have been in that situation.
I want to see change to this because a lot needs to be done to improve people who live with autism because for us it can be a struggle. I have just moved house and one of the house in the close where I live is devoted to helping people with all sorts of learning difficulties live independently which I think is a wonderful thing to do, especially as it is run by volunteers.
Yesterday, I made this video which I have posted to YOUTUBE which I have said in a cartoon format the way that this can be a problem. If you get a chance, you should watch it. I would be grateful if you could like the video and subscribe to my channel so that I can do more videos outlining mental health and disabilities challenges. All comments would be grateful though this is my first ever YOUTUBE video where I have spoken and my first animation so please don't be too harsh.
Here is the link and I hope that you have enjoyed and learned a lot form this article
I have the believe that everyone no matter their status or religion or even if they are straight or gay has the right to do whatever they want with life whatever that maybe. That is the case for most people until you get to those with disabilities. These are the people that are overshadowed when it comes to the little things in life which can make life a lot harder for those people.
Now, the reason that it is so close to my heart is because I am autistic. I have been all my life as I was diagnosed at 6 months old. This has changed the way that I see life especially since my depression. People who suffer with autism are often overlooked when it comes to applications because people see them as a health hazard. I myself have been in that situation.
I want to see change to this because a lot needs to be done to improve people who live with autism because for us it can be a struggle. I have just moved house and one of the house in the close where I live is devoted to helping people with all sorts of learning difficulties live independently which I think is a wonderful thing to do, especially as it is run by volunteers.
Yesterday, I made this video which I have posted to YOUTUBE which I have said in a cartoon format the way that this can be a problem. If you get a chance, you should watch it. I would be grateful if you could like the video and subscribe to my channel so that I can do more videos outlining mental health and disabilities challenges. All comments would be grateful though this is my first ever YOUTUBE video where I have spoken and my first animation so please don't be too harsh.
Here is the link and I hope that you have enjoyed and learned a lot form this article

Total Comments 2
Hey David, I'm sorry for everything you had to go through, though I'm sure it made you a stronger person. I appreciate that you wrote about this, it's a topic many people don't really consider and I'm glad you're putting it out there. Much love, stay strong.
Posted January 24th 2016 at 12:52 AM by darkpoet -
Hiya David,
I totally agree with what you have said, everyone needs to be treated equally whether they are of a different race, gender, sexuality or even have special needs or are disabled. Sorry to hear that you have had a hard time with your autism.
Stay strong, and remember I'm here if you ever want to talk.Posted January 24th 2016 at 04:56 PM by coolkid98