Whee, I'm gonna make a journal up here!
Today was Nice. :)
Posted February 5th 2015 at 04:06 AM by Koharuchan
Tags mall, restaurant, sick
Even though I'm STILL sick from whatever it was I got over a week ago now, I was well enough that I was able to go with mom to the mall. It wasn't fun still having this, though; I'm still clogged up and blowing my nose every 2 minutes.
But, I'm just happy I could go. I don't get to go to the mall often, so it was a nice treat. Mom needed to go into Penny's to find dad some new shirts, and they were having a big sale on just about everything in there, so I rushed over to take a look at their Dinnerware selection. Since Jon and I will be getting married in May, I've been looking around at basic things we'll need around the apartment we're getting. I found a very nice set in Penny's, and it was 50% off! I picked it up pretty quick.
Even mom said I made a good choice picking out that set, she thought it was really pretty. And they're good quality, too; on the back of all the plates, bowls, etc, it not only said they were dishwasher and microwave safe, but oven safe, too! Of course, I don't think I'd put them in the oven. 
Then, we went to Olive Garden. It was great, I love their Chicken and Gnocchi soup. And to top it off, our waiter was the same guy who saw to me and my friend last time I was there, and he remembered me. He even remembered the dessert I ordered last time, and he thanked me for filling out an online survey last time I was there, because I put good reviews up for him and he got promoted for it.
Well, today was a good day in all. I'm glad I was able to get out for once.

Then, we went to Olive Garden. It was great, I love their Chicken and Gnocchi soup. And to top it off, our waiter was the same guy who saw to me and my friend last time I was there, and he remembered me. He even remembered the dessert I ordered last time, and he thanked me for filling out an online survey last time I was there, because I put good reviews up for him and he got promoted for it.

Well, today was a good day in all. I'm glad I was able to get out for once.

Total Comments 1
Posted February 5th 2015 at 05:01 AM by Coffee.