The TeenHelp Project Blog contains a large collection of information about TeenHelp, and provides a place where you can discuss each news item, including TeenHelp's announcements, notices, and Newsletter releases, among other things.
Newsletter #42 - Phone applications that help; understanding addiction; overcoming abuse.
Posted September 21st 2013 at 01:45 PM by TeenHelp
Source: Newsletter | Issue 42 | If you would like to receive the full quality HTML version via email please sign up.
TeenHelp Newsletter #42 - September 21st 2013 -
Welcome to the TeenHelp Newsletter! Our Newsletter contains a lot of useful information about our current work, including updates to our site and services, work with our partners and affiliates, details of upcoming events, short bits of advice, interesting links and more!
TeenHelp regularly makes changes to its site and services. Some of these are large and noticeable, and others are small and much less so, but each one contributes to the positive development of TeenHelp and how our users experience our community. Below are some of the most recent developments.
Helpful applications for your phone (September 14th 2013)
Smart phones and tablet computers have grown massively in popularity over the last few years, and with them has come many thousands of applications that can be added for use, from games to social networking. Among the mass of applications includes some gems that can be incredibly helpful to those experiencing a wide range of issues in their lives. TeenHelp has begun to compile on our Resources page some of the most useful ones. We will be reviewing a range of applications and putting up those we think our users may benefit most from.
Latest videos (September 14th 2013)
Due to the hard work of our Videos Team, we continue to see many great additions to our Videos section. More videos are being added all the time, so check regularly to see all our favourite picks! Some of our latest additions include:
How can I tell if he is attracted to me
Body language can tell us a lot about the people we are with, and whether they are interested in us or not. In this video, a body language expert explains how you can tell if he is attracted to you from the body language signals he displays.
How can I tell if she is attracted to me
A woman may display subtle tell-tale signs if she is attracted to you. Watch this video to find out how to decode her body language and see if she is attracted to you.
Anger management in seven steps
Anger is a natural emotion, but can be destructive if it is not channelled in an appropriate way. In this video, an anger management expert describes how you can manage your anger using a seven-step method, including how to elongate the time between an event and a reaction, which is a crucial step to controlling anger.
Ageing parents and long-term care
At some point, a parent may need long-term care. This video discusses some of the signs that a parent might need long term-care, what to do in that situation, as well as the differences between independent living residences, assisted living facilities, board and care homes, and nursing homes.
Latest articles (September 1st 2013)
Our team of talented writers bring our users a constant stream of fresh articles to read each month. Articles are being published regularly, so be sure to check regularly to see what we're doing. Some of our latest additions include:
Life on Mars
This article explores the possibility of life on Mars, including current research such as the composition of the planet, and studies on meteorites. It then goes on to discuss its significance. What will it mean to us, and would it be enough to sustain human life?
How addictions develop
Understanding how an addiction develops can play an important part in recovery. This article first gives a general overview of how the brain works, and then goes on to explain the components of an addiction, and what makes a person dependent on a substance. It also gives helpful information on where to seek help.
TeenHelp works with a range of different organisations and websites in order to help and educate young people. Below is a selection of some of them. For a full list of the organisations we work with, please visit our Resources page.
Breathe2Relax is an application designed to teach proper breathing techniques, which, in turn, can help to stabilise your mood and help you feel relaxed. Before starting a breathing exercise, you can record your stress levels, which can be tracked over time as you continue to use the application. It is also possible to select a scenery and background music to personalise your experience. Pressing the 'Learn' button will take you to a wealth of information on the biology of stress, diaphragmatic breathing and effects of stress on the body, and accompanying videos. This application can be used as part of your regular lifestyle, or in response to stressful situations or panic attacks.
Available for free on Apple and Android devices through their application stores.
Each month we share small bits of practical advice that you can implement to improve your life or that of others.
How to incorporate exercise into your working day
Many of us work several hours a day sitting at a desk, then lead busy lifestyles outside of work, making it difficult to find the time to exercise. Here are some tips on how to stay active while at work.
Coping with suicidal feelings
Life isn't smooth sailing, and many of us have experienced suicidal thoughts as a result of overwhelming emotional pain. However, it is possible to get through difficult times by finding coping strategies. Follow these tips to help you cope.
Interesting Things (on TeenHelp)
A lot of content is posted to TeenHelp every single day, from threads to articles, social groups to albums. But it is difficult for even the most veteran user to keep on top of it all, so we have selected a few items from among the masses that we thought were interesting to draw your attention to.
Never stand by and watch again - lately in the tram
This user shares a story of standing up against bullying, not just that which targets ourselves but for others who are unable to stand up themselves.
Change of lifestyle = 100% happier me!
Here a user tells her story of how her life is improving now she tackles an eating disorder, the change in her health and her mood. Read this story to help find the courage to change your own life for the better.
Baby guinea pigs & their mothers!
This thread shares some brilliant up close pictures of guinea pigs.
People express their feelings in different ways. This user likes to write poetry. Check out one of her poems here - maybe it will inspire you to write your own poetry!
Faith and the Scientific Method
We all have our viewpoints on faith and science, and here one user has analysed what it means for him.
Social Groups
FTM Transgender
Transitioning from female to male is a time of great change, and often fraught with a rollercoaster of emotions. Join this group to discuss how your transitioning is progressing, and for support from your fellow peers.
Younger Twins Unite!
Are you the younger or smaller twin? Do you like being a twin? Join this group to share your experiences of being a twin, and to meet other twins like you!
In this album Meteora shares some great photographs he's taken of scenery and old buildings.!/
Each month we feature a picture by one of our users. If you would like to see your picture here please contact us by replying to this Newsletter, emailing us at, or messaging our Newsletter Officer (Halcyon) on the website.

Picture by Obliviate
Upcoming events
Discussion: Getting out of an abusive relationship (Saturday September 21st 2013)
Any type of abuse, whether it be physical, verbal or emotional, is not acceptable. If you are feeling controlled, scared and intimidated, it may be possible that you are in an abusive relationship. Join this discussion to learn how to get out of an abusive relationship, by firstly learning how to recognise that you are in an abusive relationship, and what steps to take next.
Discussion: Maximising your productivity (Saturday September 28th 2013)
Whether you are in school, university or the world of work, maintaining your productivity is an essential part of life. Join this discussion to learn how to stay focused, plan your workload effectively and fight off the temptation of procrastination.
Discussion: Dealing with loneliness/isolation (Saturday October 5th 2013)
Everybody gets lonely from time to time, but if you become isolated from others over an extended time it can be harmful for your mental wellbeing. Join this discussion to learn how to cope with feelings of loneliness, as well as reduce your isolation in ways that you're comfortable with.
Discussion: Living with mental illness (Saturday October 12th 2013)
Although one in four people experience mental health problems, there is regrettably still a stigma attached to it, which prevents people from seeking help. Consequently, living with a mental illness can be a particularly isolating time. If you are concerned about your mental health, join this discussion to discuss day-to-day coping techniques, how to reach out to professionals and other aspects of living with mental illness.
For more information about upcoming Facilitated Chat Room Discussions (FCRDs), and the times that these discussions will take place, please visit our FCRD page.
Donate to TeenHelp
In order to continue providing free services to young people around the world, TeenHelp requires a constant income of voluntary donations to support our regular costs. If you are able to, we ask that you please donate any money you can to us, even if it's only a few dollars.
Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr
Our social networking pages are a great place to get a lot of high-quality information. We aim to connect you to interesting organisations, volunteering opportunities, events, news stories, pictures, videos, and more!
Editorial team
Newsletter Officer/Editor-in-Chief: Haley (Halcyon)
Assistant Editor: Lyndsee (Glitter.)
Assistant Editor: Sammi (Masquerade.)
Assistant Editor: Chess (Syzygy.)
TeenHelp Newsletter
TeenHelp Newsletter #42 - September 21st 2013 -
Welcome to the TeenHelp Newsletter! Our Newsletter contains a lot of useful information about our current work, including updates to our site and services, work with our partners and affiliates, details of upcoming events, short bits of advice, interesting links and more!
TeenHelp News
TeenHelp regularly makes changes to its site and services. Some of these are large and noticeable, and others are small and much less so, but each one contributes to the positive development of TeenHelp and how our users experience our community. Below are some of the most recent developments.
Helpful applications for your phone (September 14th 2013)
Smart phones and tablet computers have grown massively in popularity over the last few years, and with them has come many thousands of applications that can be added for use, from games to social networking. Among the mass of applications includes some gems that can be incredibly helpful to those experiencing a wide range of issues in their lives. TeenHelp has begun to compile on our Resources page some of the most useful ones. We will be reviewing a range of applications and putting up those we think our users may benefit most from.
Latest videos (September 14th 2013)
Due to the hard work of our Videos Team, we continue to see many great additions to our Videos section. More videos are being added all the time, so check regularly to see all our favourite picks! Some of our latest additions include:
How can I tell if he is attracted to me
Body language can tell us a lot about the people we are with, and whether they are interested in us or not. In this video, a body language expert explains how you can tell if he is attracted to you from the body language signals he displays.
How can I tell if she is attracted to me
A woman may display subtle tell-tale signs if she is attracted to you. Watch this video to find out how to decode her body language and see if she is attracted to you.
Anger management in seven steps
Anger is a natural emotion, but can be destructive if it is not channelled in an appropriate way. In this video, an anger management expert describes how you can manage your anger using a seven-step method, including how to elongate the time between an event and a reaction, which is a crucial step to controlling anger.
Ageing parents and long-term care
At some point, a parent may need long-term care. This video discusses some of the signs that a parent might need long term-care, what to do in that situation, as well as the differences between independent living residences, assisted living facilities, board and care homes, and nursing homes.
Latest articles (September 1st 2013)
Our team of talented writers bring our users a constant stream of fresh articles to read each month. Articles are being published regularly, so be sure to check regularly to see what we're doing. Some of our latest additions include:
Life on Mars
This article explores the possibility of life on Mars, including current research such as the composition of the planet, and studies on meteorites. It then goes on to discuss its significance. What will it mean to us, and would it be enough to sustain human life?
How addictions develop
Understanding how an addiction develops can play an important part in recovery. This article first gives a general overview of how the brain works, and then goes on to explain the components of an addiction, and what makes a person dependent on a substance. It also gives helpful information on where to seek help.
TeenHelp works with a range of different organisations and websites in order to help and educate young people. Below is a selection of some of them. For a full list of the organisations we work with, please visit our Resources page.
Breathe2Relax is an application designed to teach proper breathing techniques, which, in turn, can help to stabilise your mood and help you feel relaxed. Before starting a breathing exercise, you can record your stress levels, which can be tracked over time as you continue to use the application. It is also possible to select a scenery and background music to personalise your experience. Pressing the 'Learn' button will take you to a wealth of information on the biology of stress, diaphragmatic breathing and effects of stress on the body, and accompanying videos. This application can be used as part of your regular lifestyle, or in response to stressful situations or panic attacks.
Available for free on Apple and Android devices through their application stores.
Tips Of The Month
Each month we share small bits of practical advice that you can implement to improve your life or that of others.
How to incorporate exercise into your working day
Many of us work several hours a day sitting at a desk, then lead busy lifestyles outside of work, making it difficult to find the time to exercise. Here are some tips on how to stay active while at work.
- If you take a bus to work, get off a stop early and walk the rest of the way. If you drive to work, park further away from the office so you have to walk that extra distance.
- Go for a walk during your lunch break. Not only are you keeping active, but you are getting fresh air as well, which helps to calm your nerves and improves your concentration at work.
- Rather than have a colleague get your drink, get up and make your own drink, and offer to make your colleagues' drinks so that you can walk around to each desk.
- Obtain a wireless headset for your phone, so you can walk around and talk.
- Set an alarm, every hour or so, to get up and stretch. You could also do simple leg lifts, which is discrete and easy to do - lift one leg, keeping it straight and parallel to the ground, and hold that position for a few seconds, then lift your other leg. Repeat this a few times.
- Take the stairs whenever possible, rather than using escalators or lifts. Use a restroom on a different floor, so that you have to take the stairs.
Coping with suicidal feelings
Life isn't smooth sailing, and many of us have experienced suicidal thoughts as a result of overwhelming emotional pain. However, it is possible to get through difficult times by finding coping strategies. Follow these tips to help you cope.
- Create a tool kit to turn to when you feel like you are in a crisis. Include a safety plan, a list of helplines and people you can go to for support, a CD containing music that calms you down, pictures of happy moments, a list of all the good things in your life and reasons to live, uplifting messages that people have written to you, and anything else that you think may help.
- Write down your thoughts and feelings, and perhaps keep a journal. It is easier to work through your emotions, and to find alternative solutions, when they are written down.
- Avoid being on your own. Join a support group, and arrange get togethers with friends and family; this, in turn, helps to strengthen your support network. In a crisis, get yourself to a safe place, or call a friend and ask them to stay with you.
- Get yourself into a routine - wake up and go to sleep at the same time, and plan daily activities, including physical activity. Some activities could include watching a funny movie, listening to music, going for a walk or swim, or even taking up a new hobby.
- Set small, achievable goals for yourself. These could be steps to overcoming a problem, or something that you have always wanted to do.
Interesting Things (on TeenHelp)
A lot of content is posted to TeenHelp every single day, from threads to articles, social groups to albums. But it is difficult for even the most veteran user to keep on top of it all, so we have selected a few items from among the masses that we thought were interesting to draw your attention to.
Never stand by and watch again - lately in the tram
This user shares a story of standing up against bullying, not just that which targets ourselves but for others who are unable to stand up themselves.
Change of lifestyle = 100% happier me!
Here a user tells her story of how her life is improving now she tackles an eating disorder, the change in her health and her mood. Read this story to help find the courage to change your own life for the better.
Baby guinea pigs & their mothers!
This thread shares some brilliant up close pictures of guinea pigs.
People express their feelings in different ways. This user likes to write poetry. Check out one of her poems here - maybe it will inspire you to write your own poetry!
Faith and the Scientific Method
We all have our viewpoints on faith and science, and here one user has analysed what it means for him.
Social Groups
FTM Transgender
Transitioning from female to male is a time of great change, and often fraught with a rollercoaster of emotions. Join this group to discuss how your transitioning is progressing, and for support from your fellow peers.
Younger Twins Unite!
Are you the younger or smaller twin? Do you like being a twin? Join this group to share your experiences of being a twin, and to meet other twins like you!
In this album Meteora shares some great photographs he's taken of scenery and old buildings.!/
Picture Of The Month
Each month we feature a picture by one of our users. If you would like to see your picture here please contact us by replying to this Newsletter, emailing us at, or messaging our Newsletter Officer (Halcyon) on the website.

Picture by Obliviate
Upcoming events
Discussion: Getting out of an abusive relationship (Saturday September 21st 2013)
Any type of abuse, whether it be physical, verbal or emotional, is not acceptable. If you are feeling controlled, scared and intimidated, it may be possible that you are in an abusive relationship. Join this discussion to learn how to get out of an abusive relationship, by firstly learning how to recognise that you are in an abusive relationship, and what steps to take next.
Discussion: Maximising your productivity (Saturday September 28th 2013)
Whether you are in school, university or the world of work, maintaining your productivity is an essential part of life. Join this discussion to learn how to stay focused, plan your workload effectively and fight off the temptation of procrastination.
Discussion: Dealing with loneliness/isolation (Saturday October 5th 2013)
Everybody gets lonely from time to time, but if you become isolated from others over an extended time it can be harmful for your mental wellbeing. Join this discussion to learn how to cope with feelings of loneliness, as well as reduce your isolation in ways that you're comfortable with.
Discussion: Living with mental illness (Saturday October 12th 2013)
Although one in four people experience mental health problems, there is regrettably still a stigma attached to it, which prevents people from seeking help. Consequently, living with a mental illness can be a particularly isolating time. If you are concerned about your mental health, join this discussion to discuss day-to-day coping techniques, how to reach out to professionals and other aspects of living with mental illness.
For more information about upcoming Facilitated Chat Room Discussions (FCRDs), and the times that these discussions will take place, please visit our FCRD page.
Donate to TeenHelp
In order to continue providing free services to young people around the world, TeenHelp requires a constant income of voluntary donations to support our regular costs. If you are able to, we ask that you please donate any money you can to us, even if it's only a few dollars.
Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr
Our social networking pages are a great place to get a lot of high-quality information. We aim to connect you to interesting organisations, volunteering opportunities, events, news stories, pictures, videos, and more!
Editorial team
Newsletter Officer/Editor-in-Chief: Haley (Halcyon)
Assistant Editor: Lyndsee (Glitter.)
Assistant Editor: Sammi (Masquerade.)
Assistant Editor: Chess (Syzygy.)
Total Comments 1
Posted September 21st 2013 at 08:48 PM by Coffee.