Had enough now
Posted November 19th 2012 at 05:16 PM by Lucy&themachine
I've had several emails of people on this sight judging me, k so here goes, I'm 15 my mum died when I was 13, with the stress if her dieing I went off the scales, I lost my virginity and then I couldn't stop getting drunk with my friend and having sex with everything that moves,my grades went down rapidly. I lost all respect for myself every weekend I stayed at a guys house, schooldays I was out usually at my friends oftenly just at a random guys house, I just didn't want to go back to the memories at my house its dead without my mum! My dad cares about me immensely and thought I was staying at my nanas while I made her cover for me, I got in trouble with the police oftenly I was friends with benefits with a lot of guys, I was a whore and slut, I hated myself but this was my only way of feeling wanted, anyway when I was 14 and half my dad found out about everything an made me go to boarding school in America, then I saw what normal people lived like and wanted to be one of them, I changed my life around immensely I started getting good grades and friends which where real, now I'm a changed girl, yeh I get drunk and go to parties but not like I used to, I don't have often sex, I'm happy who I am now people give me respect and now not to be big headed but in the top of the school, now I get a*'s I'm not a swat I'm still incredibly flirty but I'm happy, so there it's private but now sop giving me unwanted hate please, I offer advice because I've been through a lot, email me if you need advice not just someone to hate on- lucyhoward12345@gmail.com
Total Comments 1
Hey there! It sounds like you've been through a lot. but the most important thing is that you're overcoming that. You know who you want to be, and you're achieving that. It's really a beautiful thing. You say like you like to give advice, perhaps you could help out around the forums? you'd probably be pretty good at that, given your experiences. You say you have people on here judging you? That isn't fair at all. Teen Help isn't meant to be a judgmental atmosphere. If you feel it's necessary, you could report the users in question, and the moderation team will handle it.
Take care<3
Posted November 19th 2012 at 08:48 PM by Just Peachy.