This blog is about my journey though my pregnancy and the life a head. I will be one to warn, it isn't easy, and it isn't perfect, and I'm going to be totally honest in this blog. It may Trigger, upset, or offend. Read at your own risk. Thank you, and have a wonderful day!! 

All the let downs. :x
Posted October 16th 2012 at 04:31 PM by Mrs.DannyWorsnop
So I was wanting to do home school, because getting sick all the time was killing my grades, well I had everything figured out, until the day I was going to inroll, my boyfriend Decided that he didn't want me to, he wanted me to switch me schools and still have me going to public school. I was so excited about being able to do it, just to be let down again. It really makes me upset that since I've became pregnant, its been a lot harder to actually get out and do the normal daily things that I could do before. I think I'm going to give the new school a chance, its designed as a smaller scale highschool, thats going to give me the safety I need, and its less walking for me to do. Hopefully its as good as he says, because I'm throwing away the only chance I have to get in to the homeschool program. :x I'm putting faith in him, I'm not wanting another let down.
Total Comments 2
Posted October 16th 2012 at 07:23 PM by Just Peachy. -
Posted October 19th 2012 at 10:55 PM by Mrs.DannyWorsnop