Posted September 6th 2011 at 09:33 PM by dredear
I really hate school. Today was the first day and I already got detention:P But it was for a really stupid reason, theres these 3 girls at my school and if your gay, bi, lesbian, ect they try to make your life hell. Anyways so me and Zane were walking by them minding our own business when they start telling us they hope we burn in hell and shit. (Zane's gay) I never really let them bother me but today I turned around kissed Zane and gave them the finger
No big deal, but then the principal started freaking out, then I started bitching at him cause he doesn't say anything when a guy and a girl are making out. I ended up getting afterschool detention. I didn't go though, I got a job and it was my first day today
My buddy owns a little diner so he got me a job, not the fanciest place but good for now:3

Total Comments 2
Posted September 6th 2011 at 09:39 PM by Dont3verLooseHope -
thats amazing we need more ppl in this world like you who stand up for what they believe in i go to a country school the my friends that are not straight get killed cuz everyone else is a hick and a raciest
ignore those girls ppl are messed (im talking bout the girls and principle) and good luck at your jobPosted September 25th 2011 at 03:11 AM by victoriabankson