Posted September 21st 2011 at 05:32 AM by Scarlett Tears
i came for support, i cut and have for almost a year and i want to stop. please help?

Total Comments 3
Hey there,
I'm so glad that you have come here asking for advice! If you do not know, in our Forums, we have a specific Self Harm forum that has many other people asking for advice as well, and you can use some of the stories and tips on there as inspirational. Some posts can be triggering, so look cautiously, but it's great for some inspiration.
One of the best things on there is our Alternatives to Self Harm page. Please go on there and take a look for some coping mechanisms. You deserve to be happy, and find new healthy ways to deal with your stress. You also should get rid of all the sharp things in your room, even things such as safety pins, and consider taking a break from shaving until you are ready. You've dealt with this a long time, it's time to help yourself.
And the best thing to do to help yourself is talk to an adult you trust about getting professional help. It may seem scary, but it is the best thing. If you are not sure who to talk to, check out this page. It gives a helpful list of people willing to listen! If you are too scared to talk to them, write them a letter or email! Sometimes it is easier to communicate big things with written word. Whatever helps you seek help.
Good luck! Stay strong, and message me if you ever need!Posted September 21st 2011 at 05:54 AM by Coffee. -
Traci pretty much said everything I wanted to say. :nosweat:
If you ever want to talk about anything, I am here! I know what you're going through and I can help in whatever way I can. :hug:Posted September 21st 2011 at 03:25 PM by Stargazed. -
Posted September 21st 2011 at 05:41 PM by Green Yoshi