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eh, cutting and relationship issues

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Posted March 9th 2009 at 02:23 AM by chhd

okay so if you've read my really long behind blog i posted first you know that i cut and my boyfriend would totally freak if he knew. I mean i really like him and everything but sometimes i just want a boy that can understand what im going through. My boyfriend would be totally close minded if he found out. i live in a small town called Goose Creek in charleston South Carolina and its mainly rednecks which i will confirm i am one but im actually not the same im vegetarian and i listen to rock and metal too and basically every other type of music. But i do wear redneck clothing and stuff. I just want a guy that can hold me and tell me everythings gonna be okay and get why i cut and that it doesnt mean im some psycho freak.i just don't know what to do. and i don't think im gonna stop cutting anytime soon. advice please!
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  1. Old Comment
    shadow345's Avatar
    well i think you should find someone who might understand why you cut. and try to slowly confide in them, maybe not tell them about the cutting right away, but talk about things with them. or what helped me a little is to have a journal and just write everything down as it comes out, just scribble it all down and try to get it out of your system without cutting
    Posted August 13th 2011 at 05:23 AM by shadow345 shadow345 is offline
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