First blog anywhere!!
Posted January 10th 2009 at 11:58 AM by newbie552
Updated January 11th 2009 at 10:57 PM by newbie552 (fix details)
Updated January 11th 2009 at 10:57 PM by newbie552 (fix details)
Ok so this is my first blog so I apologize if it sucks.
Ok a little background info about the situation. #1 (a friend of mine) and #2 are good friends.
#2 doesn't have alot of friends because of her attitude, she crys and tells the teacher when anyone says anything bad about her but she is constantly putting down the people around her. She even made fun of #1 because of her race and she acts like it's not a big deal.
She's also getting very over-controlling about the friends she does have like basicly forcing them to change their schedules to go w/ hers and trying to make all their spare time w/ her.
Now I'm spending a lot of time w/ #1 and it's usually not w/ #2 so #2 naturaly is always against it and trying to force #1 to ditch me and go w/ her.
#1 is also getting really annoyed w/ #2 but she doesn't say anything about it because #1 was the first friend she made at my school.
#2 is also trying to get her other friends to ditch me and is telling them crap about me behind my back
This whole situation is driving me crazy!
Ok a little background info about the situation. #1 (a friend of mine) and #2 are good friends.
#2 doesn't have alot of friends because of her attitude, she crys and tells the teacher when anyone says anything bad about her but she is constantly putting down the people around her. She even made fun of #1 because of her race and she acts like it's not a big deal.
She's also getting very over-controlling about the friends she does have like basicly forcing them to change their schedules to go w/ hers and trying to make all their spare time w/ her.
Now I'm spending a lot of time w/ #1 and it's usually not w/ #2 so #2 naturaly is always against it and trying to force #1 to ditch me and go w/ her.
#1 is also getting really annoyed w/ #2 but she doesn't say anything about it because #1 was the first friend she made at my school.
#2 is also trying to get her other friends to ditch me and is telling them crap about me behind my back
This whole situation is driving me crazy!

Total Comments 1
Posted January 14th 2009 at 12:39 AM by TheNumber42