Hello my lovelies!
You seem to have wandered into my den of inquity. Here you'll find ramblings, possibly confusing scribbles, and just whatever I deem should be tossed in here.
Sit back, relax and try not to get lost inside my mind-I haven't found my way back in it yet!
Slight rant and confession
Posted January 5th 2011 at 03:06 PM by EyesWideShut
Okay, so I've been trapped in a really bad cyber relationship. The guy is-was- a controlling, mentally unstable IDJIT, and well...yeah. I think I've been put off dating for a while. Ugh...
Dating in general, I think, is totally pointless until you're a senior in high school. Sure it's fun to flirt and tease, but really. You are completely dependant on your parents for rides, money, ect. Come on!
(Confession time- I've never been on a date before, had my first kiss, or even had a boyfriend or girlfriend...scratch that I have had a bf, but does cyber count???
Dating in general, I think, is totally pointless until you're a senior in high school. Sure it's fun to flirt and tease, but really. You are completely dependant on your parents for rides, money, ect. Come on!
(Confession time- I've never been on a date before, had my first kiss, or even had a boyfriend or girlfriend...scratch that I have had a bf, but does cyber count???

Total Comments 1
I just read your thread in the forums, now I've found this
I just wanted to say, that no matter how old you are, you fall in love and you get hurt, but eventually you'll find 'the' one.
Your right, many relationships don't last when we're younger because of the restrictions; but some do.
Don't give up your hope for love
I've had 3 relationships, all left me with little hope. But now, I've found someone who really matters - so I guess you have to go through the tough times to really appreciate the good times
Take Care, You can always email me xPosted January 5th 2011 at 06:29 PM by TheLittleNinja