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do i have an eatting disorder ? (Triggering)

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Posted December 20th 2010 at 11:30 PM by xX-anna-Xx
Updated December 20th 2010 at 11:40 PM by Palmolive (Weight numbers are not allowed on teenhelp & adding triggering prefix)

im never hungry.
i eat like one if even that a day.
i wont eat for days at a time. i hate food, its the most nasty-ist thing in this world i think. i eat. ill randomly get hungry maybe if anything only once a week and that'll be it. my stepmom says im getting too skinny again. some of my close that had fit me perfect before are bigger on me. i weigh at like [Edited]. people say im way to underweight. but yet, i think im huge, i want to weigh atleast [Edited]. i've told people this at the mental hospital and some of the staff just gave me a weird look and say whys that ? i dont know why, i just HATE food. its nasty and stupid. i wont eat for days or weeks at a time. i eat very very very small meals sometimes if i have too. my dad said if i dont start eatting hes taking me to a hospital and is getting them to put a tube down my throught and make me eat that way. plus , everytime i eat no matter what it is, even if its just chips i get sick to my stomach and want to puke , and sometimes i have urges to puke. im not reallly sure why all this is happing to me, i dont like it. right now, im a little hungry but i already ate twice today so im not going to eat. sence i already ate twice ( which is waaaaay to much btw ) i will not eat till tomorrow probly around 3 pm. i havent ate sence 2 pm today. im not sure why i think this way. i just do, i dont eat unless i am forced or i have weird ways of thinking about how i should eat.
do you think i have an eatting disorder or is it all just in my mind ? please leave a comment on here or PM what you guys think /:
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  1. Old Comment
    Eating two meals a day is not too much. A person is supposed to have 6 small meals a day. We can't diagnose you with anything because we are not professionals but I would strongly suggest you look into seeking help for this issue.

    I hope this helped in some way and if you ever want to chat feel free to pm me.
    Posted December 21st 2010 at 12:03 AM by
  2. Old Comment
    fireblizzard543's Avatar
    You should atleast eat 3 meals a day...
    Your not fat anna..
    Posted December 21st 2010 at 01:26 AM by fireblizzard543 fireblizzard543 is offline
  3. Old Comment
    xX-anna-Xx's Avatar
    i just dont like food. i think its nasty. and im not sure why.i try to eat 3 meals, sadly i ate 3 today. i actually ate once more alittle after i posted this.. & thank you ~CourageousSurvivor~ if you ever wanna chat you can always PM me too (:
    Posted December 21st 2010 at 02:13 AM by xX-anna-Xx xX-anna-Xx is offline
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