Die Fahnen fleigen!
Posted July 17th 2010 at 11:05 PM by SonicFan
Why does everything have to change? I liked the past, it was decent and for the most part I wasn't as sad and depressed as I am now :(.
The future is horrid, nothing going for me. My life is crashing and burning and ahead is one huge mass of sorrow and despair - a cloud with no visible silver lining. Why does the future have to suck so hard?
I hate being lonely, I want to go out with people yet I don't because I don't want to be hurt or I'm simply too apathetic to bother going out. There doesn't seem much point when the end result will be that I'm alone.
I'm afraid, I don't want to push my friend away. My thoughts are clear until I come to write them down. It has always been my problem - I never know what I should say and so I often say the wrong thing. Above all I want to feel loved and be happy but perhaps that's too much to ask...
Total Comments 1
Posted July 18th 2010 at 12:46 PM by Ellie