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This is My Life- In 2013<3 New Year... New Experiences.

Maybe pregnant...

Posted April 9th 2013 at 05:46 AM by ChelleBelle97 (This is my life<3)

So... Last Friday, I did things with my boyfriend. I don't really like specifying on this stuff. But, we weren't really smart about things. But, now I have to wait 2 weeks to take a damn pregnancy test. I got my friend to buy it for me since I can't really get out of the house. He got a 2 pack. So,I guess that's a good thing? To double check, right? If I'm not pregnant... Wow, I would be so thankful. If I am, I will be so suicidal. No joke. My mom would freaking kill me. With my luck......
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Posted March 11th 2013 at 05:14 AM by ChelleBelle97 (This is my life<3)

Sooo... I don't really know the point of this post.

I moved. New school. High school. New boyfriend. 6 months this month. I gained weight. Tons of it. Not good. I was looking at my pictures on here, and I could see my collarbone. Damn, I was thin. If I EVER get that thin again... Someone please keep food away from me. it's ridiculous how fat I've gotten. Oh freaking well. I made a mistake the other night. Went to the movies on a double date... End of the night, ended up making...
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