So Far Away.. *Strong Language*
Posted December 30th 2011 at 08:11 AM by ChelleBelle97
Updated December 31st 2011 at 09:38 AM by ChelleBelle97
Updated December 31st 2011 at 09:38 AM by ChelleBelle97

Okay, so you text me. Right? I didn't know what for. You apparently just wanted to say Merry Christmas. But, I figured you out. Hunny, I know you too well. You were coming down to where I live this weekend? HA. You seriously think I don't know your little plan? I guess the thing that you think I'm only good for. Well, sad news for you.. I'M NOT HAVING SEX WITH YOU. Go die in a fuckin' hole. I don't know who your status was about..' "i love you i loved you all along and i miss you but far away is far too long" </3' But, it's a bunch of bullshit. If it's about me.. I'm glad you live so far away. Even though you treat me so badly.. I still miss you, sometimes. Maybe its not you.. maybe it's just our memories. I know I don't love you. But, I wish you wasn't such a perv. I liked you the way you were on our first date. The sweet, respectful guy. Now, you just disgust me. I'm sorry I couldn't be your whore. I'm just not like that...

Total Comments 2
I can relate to this a lot.. Wrong guys say all the right things, and trust me I used to fall for it every time, I'm past being used as his booty call.. Ha but I miss what I 'thought' we had, your a strong person for not going back.. Emotion can be a real twat with the heart and mind.. But well done you, take care sweet <3
Posted December 30th 2011 at 03:43 PM by SianLouise -
Posted December 31st 2011 at 09:41 AM by ChelleBelle97