I Don't Know What To Do.. :(
Posted December 28th 2011 at 05:06 AM by ChelleBelle97
Updated December 31st 2011 at 08:38 AM by ChelleBelle97
Updated December 31st 2011 at 08:38 AM by ChelleBelle97
UGH! I've been waiting so long to be a HelpLINK Mentor.. and, it's only been 8 days. And, I'm thinking about quitting? Wth? I don't know if I should or not. I just feel like the pressure to be perfect at it. And, I know I'm not. Everyone is just sooo much better. I thought I would be amazing. But, like I said... everyone is soo much better.
It sucks. 

Total Comments 4
The reason HelpLINK is special is because each of us comes from a unique walk of life, a special perspective, a road untraveled by other Mentors. So, when we reply, we draw from those experiences... and the more collective experiences the user asking for help has to take advice from, the better.
We accepted you to staff because we felt as though your application and your posts around the forums showed a lot of potential - potential that has nothing to do with how the other HelpLINK Mentors are. We find YOU unique, and we see something special in YOU, and that's why we asked you to be a part of our staff. (:
I'm of the belief that something like a volunteer position shouldn't stress you out, or make you feel like you have to be perfect (you don't! And none of the rest of us are either, just see all of our many threads in WWSD? for when we all have felt as though we've been at a loss, and want help - we certainly aren't perfect), and if this position IS putting undue pressure on you, perhaps you should either think about applying for a different position (perhaps Buddy, which isn't as advice-giving-focused) or, as you mentioned - resigning - you have to do what's best for YOU and what's in YOUR best interests. (: Whatever that may be, we're going to support that.
If you need anything, though, please don't hesitate to give you a shout. Remember, you were accepted because we believe in you. You're going to do great.Posted December 28th 2011 at 02:52 PM by Katrina -
Being a HelpLINK mentor is hard work, like other staff positions on here. When I first started I was terrified, I didn't know how to be 'as good' as the others and their replies scares me
. I would click on a request and then see someones reply and think to myself that I can't reply to it too because my advise against theirs will be rubbish. It takes time to get used to it and as time goes on you'll start to pick more things up by even reading through others replies. Katrina is right, it's good because all of us are unique, we all have our own coping methods etc which actually all come in useful fro different users. You can do it but there is no pressure for you to do it, if it's making you feel worse. I know it made me feel worse at first but once I started getting used to it and became more confident it got better. Of course at times I still struggle and to be honest I often tend to reply to certain subject because I'm still learning how to handle others, but you can get there. And when you do help someone, and they reply thanking you with lovely words, it honestly makes it so worth it. At the end of the day do whats best for you. You can post in WWSD if you want, it might help.
If you ever want a chat about it or just need some support or guidance, you're welcome to shoot me a PM.
I hope you're well, keep smilingPosted December 28th 2011 at 04:02 PM by Palmolive -
Posted December 31st 2011 at 08:43 AM by ChelleBelle97