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Sinking Slowly

Posted April 16th 2012 at 12:48 AM by BreakingBecci

Last night was the happiest I've been in so long. I spent the night with my boyfriend, and we just cwtched (cuddled, for you non-Welsh people) almost all night. But this morning, my boyfriend walked me to my bus stop and I had to say goodbye.
We're now 163 miles apart once again, for at least another 8 weeks.
It's his 18th birthday on Tuesday and I'm not going to be there to celebrate with him. It's also our 2 year 'anniversary', if you may, on the 1st of May. Once again, I won't...
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Posted March 25th 2012 at 12:10 AM by BreakingBecci

I hate you.
I hate how you ignore me.
I hate how you never ask how I am.
I hate how you show no interest in me.
I hate how you say you love me but never show it.
I hate how you talk to me about other girls.
I hate how you made jokes about me being an 'emo' when you saw a scar on my wrist a year ago.
I hate how you never tell me anything important.
I hate how you never open up to me.
I hate how you go on and on about things you know...
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I'm Exhausted. Physically and Mentally.

Posted February 6th 2012 at 12:09 AM by BreakingBecci

I just woke up screaming. I was shaking and sweating and crying... I'd only been asleep for an hour. The shaking is making it hard to type, and everything's blurry because of the tears.

I feel so alone all the time. Four months ago I moved 163 miles away from home, with only a week to adjust to the idea. I don't know any one here. None of my 'friends' ever get in contact with me unless I message them first. When I visit home, everyone's too busy to meet up with me. Even my boyfriend...
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