Posted August 19th 2013 at 09:39 PM by bloodcraver29
I am so lost now. I changed schools, made new friends, and started to get my life back on track. Everything just fell apart. My school friends all turned against me at the end of first semester. I just lost one of my closest friends too! We were just texting and she sounded sad so I was trying to comfort her but she just started going off at me for my alternate coping methods, being goth, and then finally my cutting addiction. She went to my little sister's and my mom's facebook accounts trying to get them to make me talk to her again. When my mom polightly responded that it wasn't her place to make me talk this girl told my mom I was bisexual. I wasn't even near ready for my mom to know and then she made it sound like it was a shameful secret my family now has to keep. I've cut myself over what she said to me and tried to move on. She claims that I hurt her first! I didn't do anything! I don't know what to do anymore! I've fallen farther than I ever had at my old school. Just when it all started to come together, just when I'd almost finished icking up the pieces, everything came crashing back down on top of me.
I have no where and no one to turn to. I'm back to being alone. I'm back to sitting with the adults at church events and staying home from anything social if I can help it. All I ever did was help her and catch her when she fell. I'm alone again.

Total Comments 1
I am so sorry that this happen to you. There are other people out there you can be friends with. Ignore this girl, to me it seems she wants to be your friend, but doesn't like the way you cope with things, and there are people out there that don't agree with hurting themselves.
Pick up the pieces again, and keep trying to move on. Your not alone, you have all of us.Posted August 20th 2013 at 10:40 PM by Eternal Dreamer ♥