Getting Worse
Posted July 2nd 2011 at 05:48 AM by bloodcraver29
I haven't been on in a while so I'll catch you up. My parents still favor my sisters. My parents still yell at me for small things. I've cut so many times I lost count. I have severalrazors from objects that had them(I tore apart the objects for the razors). My life has been destroyed. My reason to hang on I don't love anymore. I want to overdose on my anxiety meds to see if it kills me. I want to die right now. My parents kno I've cut. They know about the first few but not the most recent. They get mad when they find out. I need help but my parents refuse. They think that because they don't see the pain that it doesn't exist. They think I'm overreacting or I'm faking it. My best friend is also a cutter and is having prolems too and she even says I need help fast. My whole life was a lie and still is. I lived in a world of make believe and unicorns. As you grow up you stop believeing it. When I start to cry or feel too stressed or numb I cut. I don't ever want to stop. I know I have a problem and I could do real harm if I cut to deep. This entire time I've been going through this not one person has told me "It'll be okay and you'll get better." If someone told this sorrowful little goth girl that and meant it, it would mean a whole lot to me.

Total Comments 1
Awh; I'm so sorry :/ Things really will get better..and I'm sorry no one's assured you of this. You have to take charge of your life..if they refuse to help you, YOU have to go out and get help..and it'll mean taking risks, but it sounds like you're to the point where this could be a risk you need to take. your whole life hasn't been a lie....there's definitely a reason for it, too. Keep going darling, keep going.
Posted July 2nd 2011 at 06:09 AM by bailatyvm