Is the pain and suffering worth the brief less frequent good times?
Posted August 21st 2010 at 06:33 AM by bloodcraver29
The pain, somtimes I run to my room and cry because its too much. I'm the middle of three and get this me and my younger sister were mistakes. She was a miracule and me, well, I can sing I can draw and i try so hard to make my parents proud of me. My younger sis is favored. I take her blame each time unless it is 100% obvious. I feel like the sun is poisenous and the dark is my healing. Happiness is poisen killing me as I try so hard to find it. Depression is the venom killing the pain, saving me, my best friend. The last two things I had were my boyfriend and my baby girl Lana(my blood hound puppy).Lana is all I have left now. No boy would deal with my depression and I don't even have the condition just the everlasting feeling that numbs me:makes me bitter sometimes:as if I was in a whole different world where I'm happy.

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