I Found This Website Again
Posted March 12th 2014 at 05:50 AM by Avaleine
I found this website again. I always forget about it for months and months and then rediscover it. I took me about four years to find out how to make a new post. It's spring break for me! Yay! But my mother won't let me buy a ferret, which I find a bit ridiculous because I have enough of my own money to buy one. When I get my license, I'll bring one home after school someday. I'll hide it in my closet, and she shall never know. My head hurts from throwing a fit because my lack of ferret. Also I don't get to go out of state with my friends because that might be dangerous, or something. I don't know why it would be so dangerous, and why my mother thinks it's acceptable for me to be home alone all spring break with no human interaction, but whatever suits her, I suppose. I'm almost missing school. But not the waking up early part. Or the emphasis on grades part. That part is awful. Okay. Goodbye.
Total Comments 1
Well, welcome back to the site! And happy spring break!
Sorry about her not letting you get a ferret, though! Maybe she's not sure if you would take care of it properly or not? Did you ask why she won't let you get one? Maybe she can give you reasons and you can try and prove you'll be able to care for it properly.
It's really not dangerous to go hang out with friends. Maybe you can make a compromise where she's the one to drop you off and pick you up, and she has to see who you're with or something like that?Posted March 12th 2014 at 10:35 AM by ¯|_(ツ)_|¯