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The random thoughts that run through my half-insane mind. Ramblings of a kind girl whose been used way too often.
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I feel like I'm a horrible friend

Posted March 23rd 2012 at 11:46 AM by Ashes2493 (The Ramblings of a Crazy College Student)

So I'm back for a bit again. It's 5:45 in the morning. I can't sleep because I just got into a big fight with my best friend.

So we went to the Hunger Games midnight release, but afterwards her aunt asked me and her to drive her home from the bar. Well, her aunt left with someone else and it was me and her and two other people in the bar. She got totally drunk and started hitting on this guy (like making out with this guy) and I had to pretty much drag her away from him since she
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I'm Trying

Posted December 12th 2011 at 04:38 AM by Ashes2493 (The Ramblings of a Crazy College Student)

So yesterday I spent the day with my mom. I was really nervous for it, I was worried about what she wanted to tell me.

It all started out well. We talked about a lot of stuff and we went shopping for books, which was odd because my mom doesn't like to read, but she knows I do.

It wasn't until we went out to eat that she told me what she wanted. Just blatantly came out with it and said, "I wished your brother had lived instead of you, maybe then my life would be better."
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Are you kidding me?! Forgive me while I vent (Strong Language)

Posted December 11th 2011 at 07:26 AM by Ashes2493 (The Ramblings of a Crazy College Student)
Updated December 11th 2011 at 03:35 PM by Ashes2493

I know this is really, really old news, but I just heard about this today (Shows how much I keep up with celebrity news).

If you're a fan of Kim Kardashian, you might want to stop now. It gets bad
(Forgive my language, I just need to vent)



So Kim Kardashian...
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This is me.

Posted December 10th 2011 at 01:54 AM by Ashes2493 (The Ramblings of a Crazy College Student)

I have to say I feel comfortable enough to post a picture of me on here.

Here I am, little old me. Yucky.


My computer won't let me post my photos
So I went through Facebook.
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I Wish I Could Have Met You

Posted December 9th 2011 at 03:35 AM by Ashes2493 (The Ramblings of a Crazy College Student)
Updated December 9th 2011 at 06:59 AM by Ashes2493

Dylan Matthew,

Even though I never had a chance to meet you, I still love you. You will always be a part of me and I hope you are looking out for me. I hope you are proud of the life I'm living, I'm trying to make the best of everyday just for you.

Lately I have been wondering, who you would have been today? Today more than ever. I wonder if you would have been the protective brother or would you have just ignored me. I would hope it would've been the former, because...
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A Day with Mom

Posted December 8th 2011 at 05:44 PM by Ashes2493 (The Ramblings of a Crazy College Student)
Updated December 8th 2011 at 07:26 PM by Ashes2493

Soo, if you read my last couple of posts, me an my mom do not get along at all.

But my mom came up to me yesterday when I was making supper and told me she is taking me shopping in Saint Cloud on Saturday, because she needs to talk to me.

So it's going to be me and my mom.......no one else..........all day........here's to hoping this goes well. Wish me luck.
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Posted December 5th 2011 at 06:43 PM by Ashes2493 (The Ramblings of a Crazy College Student)

Everyday she knocks me down and because of her I'm slowly losing my mind, I just know it. I'm going crazy and I just know one day I'm going to snap

How many times can I break til I shatter? Let's find out shall we?
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A Letter to Dad

Posted December 3rd 2011 at 05:37 AM by Ashes2493 (The Ramblings of a Crazy College Student)
Updated December 3rd 2011 at 03:32 PM by Ashes2493

Dear Daddy,

I haven't called you that in awhile, but I know you love it when I do. I wanted you to know that I'll always be your little girl. The girl you never understood, but always stayed up late talking to, because you missed me and you knew I missed you. I loved our movie nights when we went to every Harry Potter movie and I took you to Breaking Dawn with me, because you wanted to see werewolves. I love it when you let me listen to my music as loud as I want in the house....
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A Letter to Mom

Posted December 3rd 2011 at 05:16 AM by Ashes2493 (The Ramblings of a Crazy College Student)
Updated December 3rd 2011 at 03:36 PM by Ashes2493

Dear Mommy,

I wish I could call you that again, but I just don't feel like I could. We aren't close like we used to be. I don't feel like I can tell you anything, without you giving me that "Oh God, you're hopeless aren't you" look. I want you to tell me you're proud of me, you never have and I feel like you never will. I want you to say "You'll do great in college," not "What are you going to do, when you drop out?" Please, Mom at least act like you...
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Nightmares (Trig?)

Posted August 31st 2011 at 05:59 AM by Ashes2493 (The Ramblings of a Crazy College Student)

So recently I have been having a lot of nightmares. Not just any kind of nightmares, the kind where I wake up drenched in a cold sweat, gasping for breath, and trying to scream but I can't. But the subject of my nightmares is what is bugging me, they have been about my ex-boyfriend, Micheal. Now some of you may now that he was a stalker and later became abusive to me. The odd thing is, is that these nightmares started happening, around the time he left for college.

(Trig. I think)
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