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The best part of believe is the lie *Trig*

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Posted August 10th 2011 at 09:34 PM by Anatidaephobia

Feel so unsafe right now, can't handle everything. Lost pretty much all hope. I'm trying to stay strong and fight this crap i really am but i just can't take all these arguments. Friends had a go at me for not going today. Well sorry if i don't want to go into the middle of a riot zone. My anxiety is pretty bad at the moment as it is without making it worse. Don't feel safe at all. Through about going out tonight, the news says don't especially as the town by me is on high alert. Want to get hurt though if thruth be told. After all its what i deserve. I don't know what i am more scared of myself or the riots pretty much outside my house

Thought about ringing L or someone else from the crisis team but don't want to make a big deal, don''t want to cause a fuss. I have to do this one my own.....well me and my blades. Wish i hadn't found all those pills all i can think about is taking them. I mean 300 could do some damage, still want more though, need to be sure.

Feel so alone, just kinda need to find something to live for now. The only thing that is keeping me going is that i was supposed to be meeting my friend on friday but i can't anymore thanks to these stupid riots. Please can someone just hold me and make this all stop. I'm so scared right now.
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  1. Old Comment
    Coffee.'s Avatar
    I'm so sorry lovely, I wish I could fly you out of there and get you here where it's safe. I'm here for you lovely, please stay strong, you don't need the blade or pills! You'll see your friend soon, and everything will get better.
    Please flush those pills, and get rid of that blade. We're here for you, you can get through this. PM me if you need to talk.
    Posted August 11th 2011 at 07:04 AM by Coffee. Coffee. is offline
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