Posted May 10th 2011 at 09:12 PM by Anatidaephobia
It's time to change Emma, you have been selfish.....No you ARE selfish. I am sick of you moaning. I am sick of you been alive right now. You said to much the other day. You said way to much. From now on whenever anyone asks you say "I AM OK" It's a lie. But you are a lier. You never ever ever let anyone know how bad things are right now.
You are a selfish, useless, fat, ugly, worthless, lying, stupid, weak waste of space, You are horrible and you deserve to die Emma....You know what to do.
So as of today you are going to change. You are going to be ok now no matter what..ok ? Good
You are a selfish, useless, fat, ugly, worthless, lying, stupid, weak waste of space, You are horrible and you deserve to die Emma....You know what to do.
So as of today you are going to change. You are going to be ok now no matter what..ok ? Good

Total Comments 5
Posted May 10th 2011 at 09:21 PM by *Jen* -
It's okay to not be okay Emma! Reach out to people, we want to help. you're free to talk to me whenever, and you know this. You are far from all the things you call yourself. You're amazing, one of the nicest people I've spoken to. You're funny, you're kind, you care and you're generally fantastic. Never, ever think anything different because the only lie you will be telling, is that one.
keep your chin up goreous. You're woth every moment of happiness you get. Smile and let the world make you happy. Truely happy.
I love you so much. <3Posted May 10th 2011 at 09:29 PM by Everglow. -
Posted May 10th 2011 at 09:50 PM by WhisperingSilence -
Posted May 11th 2011 at 03:52 AM by Coffee. -
Aw emma sweet, it doesn't matter if you're not okay. It's alright to tell poeple, tell us here on teenhelp and reach out for help. you are not weak stupid pathetic and you are definately not a waste of space. If i dint have you i wouldn't be here right now.
You are so strong it's unbelievable sweet. Love you soo much, hang in there <3 xxxxPosted May 11th 2011 at 06:26 PM by x_sepi_x