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Feeling dread (suicide and death/grieving trigger)

Posted July 22nd 2022 at 11:08 PM by ¯|_(ツ)_|¯ (Rantings of a Mermaid Princess)
Updated July 23rd 2022 at 01:46 AM by ¯|_(ツ)_|¯

I am dreading the day that this job ends at the end of December and I have to work full time. I have so many doctor's appointments and mental health issues that I don't know how I'll cope without a job that is so flexible that I am able to fit everything in. My job gets overwhelming a lot but it is part time, and my therapist thinks I'd be good with a PART TIME job, but I'll have to look into full time to pay the bills. That's where it gets scary.

I dread losing Medicaid and having...
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Was in the hospital. (brief mention of suicide)

Posted July 10th 2022 at 08:45 PM by ¯|_(ツ)_|¯ (Rantings of a Mermaid Princess)

I had been in pain with abdominal cramping for a few days that radiated to my back and the middle of my stomach, and it was getting progressively worse by the day. I'd be okay during the day but then at night I'd be in a lot of pain to the point it kept me up for at least two days straight.

I finally gave in and asked my dad to take me to the ER at about 10:30 on Thursday night. I waited in the lobby for a few hours but it wasn't horrible minus the fact I was in so much pain I couldn't...
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Living the dream.
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Views 520 Comments 1 ¯|_(ツ)_|¯ is offline
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