So pathetic
Posted February 1st 2014 at 08:44 PM by DanTheMan :P
Joined the facilitated discussion which is about building self-confidence. Kind of ironic then seeing as I didn't have the confidence to bring up my own issues. I just cut for the second time today. Its just so depressing. I thought sixth form would be a fresh start, new friends, I might start going out a bit more, but no. Instead they still go out with all of their friends from previous schools. Therefore I'm left at home to dwell on my own thoughts, getting increasingly triggered until I can't stop myself anymore.
Anyway I'll keep todays whine short, cya.
Anyway I'll keep todays whine short, cya.
Total Comments 1
Even though you may not have had the confidence to bring up your own issues, it still was good that you were able to go because at least maybe you'll get some suggestions.
I think that if possible, try and join some clubs and social groups. That way you won't be at home as much and you'll also be able to meet people with common interests who you can hang out with. I'm sure if they join a club they'd want to make friends.
You can get through this.Posted February 1st 2014 at 09:48 PM by ¯|_(ツ)_|¯