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Articles - Disabilities
TeenHelp May 1st 2023 01:02 PM
Accessing disability services as a college freshman By Christina (Philomath) Entering college/university is a huge transition for most young adults. Having a disability increases those challenges in most cases. Below are a few tips on how to get started off right as a freshman with appropriate supports. Know what services your college or university offer that will meet your specific needs. Inquire about the school’s services when deciding on colleges to choose from. Do...
Infographic: Deaf Awareness
TeenHelp May 1st 2023 12:53 PM

TeenHelp November 7th 2021 08:31 AM
Signs you might be autistic (and not know it) By Holly (Celyn) Many people go through their life without knowing they might be autistic. This might be because family members, teachers and friends might not know much about autism or might only know about the autistic stereotype (usually a boy, who has few friends, isn’t particularly verbal and is ‘obsessed’ with particular topics for example, trains) and therefore might not see you as being autistic. This is especially true if you are...
TeenHelp June 30th 2020 10:03 PM
Please don't stare By Emma (Golfing girl) What do you do when you see someone in a wheelchair? Do you stare at them or do you keep walking by and mind your own business? When someone is in a wheelchair it can be from a horrible accident, they can have a physical injury, for example they are paralyzed or they have a cancerous tumor growth or an infection or frostbite. When someone is in a wheelchair it is not only hard on them but also their family too. They may need your help to get around...
TeenHelp July 5th 2019 02:33 PM
Learning disabilities: What they are and why it’s okay to have one By Kylie M. I am pretty open about the fact that I have dyscalculia, a specific learning disability in the area of mathematics. Over the years, I’ve learned a lot about my disability and how it affects me personally, but there is one thing that stands out among the rest, that I really wish someone would have told me in my younger years: that it’s okay to be learning disabled. In fact, it’s more than okay! Sometimes it’s...
TeenHelp June 1st 2019 12:17 PM
What is neurodiversity? By Anonymous The neurodiversity movement means a lot of different things to a lot of different people, but no matter whom you ask, there is one thing that everyone agrees on: it is about acceptance. Specifically, it asserts that differences in neurotype are the result of natural variations in the human genome and not something that needs to be changed or eradicated (“Neurodiversity,” n.d.). While the medical model of disability – the most common paradigm for...
TeenHelp May 5th 2019 01:57 PM
7 myths of Fibromyalgia By Cassie (cynefin) source] Fibromyalgia is a musculoskeletal disorder that is known for causing widespread pain in those who have it. It carries other symptoms along with it, such as brain fog ("fibro fog") exhaustion, headaches, light sensitivity, and many more. Unfortunately, fibromyalgia is widely misunderstood and sometimes stereotyped and this article aims to refute some of the myths. Myth: Fibromyalgia does not exist.
TeenHelp February 3rd 2019 01:52 AM
We're laughing with you, not at you: Using humor to discuss disability By Kylie M. (NOTE: At no point are you required to actually disclose your disability if you are not comfortable doing so. Additionally, this approach may not work for everyone! At the end of the day, you have to do what is most comfortable for you; this article is simply based on my own personal experiences.) You may have heard that being able to laugh at yourself is an important life skill - and you would be...
Mel July 2nd 2010 04:11 AM
Article featured in Avatar - Volume 3, Issue 12 (June 2010). Scoliosis by Briana June marks Scoliosis Awareness Month. Scoliosis is the curving of the spinal cord and is a genetic disorder that can affect both females and males between the ages of six and fourteen. However, this disorder is more common in females. A person without scoliosis may have zero to fifteen degrees of a curve in their spinal cord, whereas someone who has scoliosis will have a curve between thirty and...
TeenHelp September 14th 2016 06:43 PM

TeenHelp April 1st 2015 09:12 PM
About ADHD By Cassie (Cassiopeia.) and Nicole (eumoirous) ADHD, or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, is an increasingly popular and controversial topic. It is a developmental disorder that affects the behavior of approximately 11% of children according to the CDC. Awareness for this medical condition has sparked a debate regarding the extent of the severity of the symptoms. Healthcare professionals are continuously assessing the treatment options to help improve the lives of...
Storyteller. May 1st 2014 11:54 AM
What is autism spectrum disorder? By Cassie (Idyllic.) Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a mental condition that usually presents itself within the first two or three years of one’s life. ASD reduces brain development and functioning. For someone with this condition, communication and other social interaction can be extremely challenging. ASD is normally diagnosed at two or three years old; however, new research is allowing children to be diagnosed at as young as six months old. Although...
Storyteller. March 3rd 2013 11:49 AM
Visual impairment: An interview By Christina (Kakorrhaphiophobia) and Robin (PSY) This month, the Articles Team decided to do something different. Instead of presenting a typical article, we wanted to give the TeenHelp community a unique perspective on what it's like to be visually impaired. Christina has been serving as a Staff member for quite some time, and you may have noticed her work as the Disabilities Forum Moderator... but did you know that she can't actually "see" what she's doing...
Mel June 1st 2010 04:23 AM
Article featured in Avatar - Volume 3, Issue 10 (April 2010). Stand Up for Autism By Marie (Rie) What do you imagine when you hear the word autism? How do you personally picture a person with autism? Do you see the child repeating words over and over again? The teenager who has still never uttered a word? Do you picture the adult curled around rocking back and forth in a fetal position? Can you imagine visiting a country when you neither speak nor understand a word of their language?...
Mel December 1st 2009 06:18 AM
Article featured in Avatar - Volume 3, Issue 4 (October 2009). Dyslexia by Maria (Gidig) Learning disorders, a term many of us have heard use every day. Dyslexia, a learning disorder. But what really is a learning disorder? How does this particular one affect people? So many questions revolve around this one word—dyslexia. Dyslexia is a learning disorder predominately affecting letters. This includes reading, writing, and spelling. Therefore, it’s mostly caught when a child starts...

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