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January 5th 2009, 09:20 PM

Other terms:

Civil Unions or Domestic Partnership – Two phrases used to describe a same-sex couple’s long term union, which may or may not be recognized, and protected by, the government, depending on the location.

Community – (gay community, queer community, <your choice of word> community) The concept of queer people coming together over a shared identity.

Cross dresser - Someone who often dresses up as the opposite gender for a variety of reasons. An individual's reason for cross dressing usually falls outside of entertainment purposes. Cross dressers may be trans or gender-conforming, gay, straight, or any other identity.

Drag - Individuals who dress up as the opposite gender. This is usually done for entertainment purposes. These individuals usually present with a stage name and take on a whole new persona when in drag. When individuals do drag it does not necessarily have to do with the individual's sex assigned at birth, gender identity, or sexual orientation.

Heterosexism – Prejudice against and/or discrimination of others based on actual or perceived identity.

– The fear or hatred of people based upon their actual or perceived sexuality.

– The acronym I lovingly call Alphabet Soup, used to describe the queer community. It can include letters such as LGBTAIQ (Lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, asexual/androgynous, intersex, queer/questioning) and more.

– Used to describe the person one has entered a long-term, committed relationship with. Alternative to boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife/etcetera.

– A controversial concept, even among members of the queer community, which includes pride in one’s sexuality or gender identity OR pride in the movement, and achievements, of queer people.

– An all-inclusive umbrella term which can be used to describe both non-heterosexual sexualities and gender non-conforming identities. While the term has been largely reclaimed and is often used in academic literature, it is still considered offensive by some.

Same-sex marriage
– A controversial topic in many countries, same-sex marriages would allow queer people to marry and be recognized by their government.

Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist (TERF) - A feminist who leaves out the right of trans women when advocating for women's rights. This is usually because they do not see trans women as women. While the term TERF is usually applied to these people by others, they might choose to self-identify as gender critical instead.

– The fear or hatred of people based upon their actual OR perceived gender identity.

Last edited by ¯|_(ツ)_|¯; October 12th 2022 at 10:15 PM. Reason: Updating.
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